Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Both localities belongs to the Tropical Coast of Granada, in an horizontal way between the national road and the Mediterranean Sea, it´s a little section of 14 Km. This route begin en Salobreña´s meadow, beach and crag of Salobreña over the meadow, and ends in Almuñécar in the Municipal Stadium of Sports. The route last 4 or 5 hours more or less.
The beginning of the route is in Salobreña, as I have said, from a reference point with the objective of go across the meadow near the sea to “La Caleta”. The road is pave and you will find a cistern skirting the vegetable gardens. Later, you will enter in the town of “La Caleta” and the promenade. Coming to the end of the path near the sea you will have to ascend through a cliff/precipice to go to consolidated way.
One of the things that you will see in this section it´s the ancients breeding centres of gilt-head bream which are abandoned, but in active for the collection of mussels.
Afterward you will pass the Aguilera´s urbanisation and Salobreña´s hotel Best Western, the tour have to skirt the national road because of the shortage of ways and paths, one section it´s a bridge. In this stretch you will find a curious house built in the cliff which have flutter roof and dragon skin.
Ended the “Alfa Mar” urbanisation you will see the sign of Almuñécar and a way on the left which point at the sea. Now, you will do the route that cross Almuñécar, Alfamar and “El barranco de en medio”.
This way ends in the beach with beautiful views of Velilla´s Beach. Passed this beach (Barranco de en medio) the objective is go to tower “climbing” the cliff, there exist another way but its have more difficulty, but it´s have better views. After the watchtower the goal is to reach the Cala Curumbico, crossing a residential community with streets that are not in very good condition but with noticeable decline.
From the Cala Curumbico to Playa Cabria there is a small cement walk at the end of the beach, then you can decide to walk among the rocks of the cliff to the beach Calabajío or above through the park bordering the Mediterranean Hotel Playacálida and its large pool. After the beach Calabajío a sector of very easy travel stones without ride ends at Pozuelo Beach.
At the end of Pozuelo the goal is to move to Playa Velilla, you can be chosen in a direct way along the promenade or enter the watch and lookout tower (private), down to the beach The Tesorillo and after her Velilla Beach.

From velilla beach, the longest of Almuñécar, it is preferable to walk on the same promenade to Puerta del Mar where you will find a pier and right the urbanization Las Gondolas with two blocks, right there taking a street that climbs up the side of a tower enters the P4, the most modern in Almuñécar area.

First, cross Hurtado de Mendoza street, turn left, cross the river and the Health Center, and take the first road on the right between the school at the next corner turn left, border the stadium and go right again.


In Granada you can do a lot of things to have a good day with your friends, family... This route is a good option to give an agreeable walk. It's very accessible from the capital, it has a route of land in the majority of the tour and you can do it on foot or in bike.

This route starts in Puente Verde, at the end of the Paseo de los Basilios. During the first kilometre it's a dirt track next to the river Genil and the multisport Bola de Oro. To our left side it's the riverbed of the river conditioned for the practice of canoeing in brave waters. After this stretch, there are 200 metres of pavement and later it continues the dirt track. In this zone there are still some vegetable patches. The road continues, passes below the bridges of the highway and arrives to a fork. To the right, the road takes us to Fuente de la Bicha and to the left side you cross the river through a bridge of wood continuing the way for the right side of the river. In this stretch there are a lot of vegetation and poplar groves that are typical in the Granada's meadow. It exits two bridges more that cross the river before coming to a service station. After this, you leave to the left side the village Cenes de la Vega, pass by a riding park and arrive to a hidry-electric plant. The road continues until coming to Pinos Genil.

To sum up, this route is a good option for the lovers of the sport and those who look for the nature without having to go far away of the city. It's a perfect place to walk, run or ride a bike.


Granada is a beautiful place where you can find important monuments like the Alhambra and where it took place important aspects of the history.

First of all, in Granada you can visit a lot of places like the Cathedral and the Royal Chapel where you can have the opportunity to see the Catholic Monarchs' tombs. Next to the Royal Chapel it's La Madraza Palace that it was an Arabian University. The Alcaiceria was a set of streets that made the market of the silk. This market was very important in the epoch of the Arabian domination. It was next to a mosque that it was destroyed. Nowadays, in the place where it was the mosque, it is Sagrario's church. In addition, it is important too the Corral del Carbon that it was a lodge and a storehouse for the merchants. Furthermore, there are streets with a lot of clothes shops like Recogidas street or Mesones street.

To sum up, I think that Granada is a very beautiful place that everyone have to visit to discover all its monuments and places where it coexisted different cultures like Muslim and Christian cultures. It has a good clime and its location is perfect because you have the mountain and the beach to few kilometres.
                   The Alhambra
Catholic Monarchs' tombs

        The Cathedral


Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Verona, is a city stradding the Adige river in Veneto, northen Italy, with approximately 265,000 habitants and one of the seven chef-lieus of the region. It is the second largest city municipality in the region and the third of northeneast Italy. The metropolitan area of Verona covers an area of 1,426 km2
and has a population of 714,274 habitants. 

It is one of the main tourist destinations in northern Italy, owung to its artistic heritage, several annuals fairs, shows, and operas such as the lyrical season in the Arena, the ancient amphitheatre built by the Romans. 
Three of Shakespare´s plays are set in Verona: "Romeo and Juliet", "The Two Gentleman of Verona" and "The Taming of the Shrew". The city has been awarded "World Heritage Site" status by UNESCO because of its urban structure and architecture.

The days between 25 and 29 of February, we don´t have class. So because of that we didn´t post nothing about what we are doing in class (obviously), but those days we were working on getting more information about Trento and the places we are going to visit.
Today we have an exam of phrasal verbs and start unit 5, that it´s about University and the differents degrees, also the girls who are of practices are helping us in everything they can. 

In adittion, this week we will put information about: Verona, Trento, Venecia, Dolomitas, Riva de Garda and Arco di Trento. 


Sunday, February 28, 2016


Today we have made some changes in the design of the blog. First, we have changed the backgroung and use a picture that represent our trip to Trento, because as you know we are going to go to Trento the 11th of March.
Then, we changed the title to: Thinking about Trento, because the entries of our blog are about things we will see there and in addition the teacher assigned us the topic of the economy of Trento to explain it to the class. 
We put more pictures to make the blog more colourful instead of boring (from our point of view, obviously).

María will not come to Trento but me (Elena) yes, so we have talk about what we can do to have active the blog from two places (Trento and Granada) and this is our plan:
María will be posting things about what they will be doing in class and me will be telling you the things that we are doing there and posting some pictures if i have internet connection, if not when I came back to Granada I will post it all. 

See you soon!


The next 11th (March) the class will fly to Trento!! We are so excited about the travel because we want to see our friends there, we didn´t see them since last year when they came to Spain.
We will be there for ten days and in that days we are going to...

- First day: Trip Granada-Trento. We will be there at seven p.m and we will go to our respectives Italian´s houses
- Second day: Visit Trento
- Third day: Trip to Verona, by train
- Fourth day: Visit and work in "Tambosi-Battisti" high school.  Here is the link to his web for you to know about it (http://www.tambosibattisti.tn.it/it/)
- Fifth day: Trip to Riva del Garda and Arco di Trento
- Sixth day: Work in the Tecnich and economic high school "Tambosi-Battisti" and then we will visit "Muse"
- Seventh day: Trip to Dolomitas, an Italian mountain range that extends to the provinces of Belluno
- Eight day: Work in the high school (Tambosi-Battisti)
- Nineth day: Trip to Venecia
- Tenth day: Day in family
- Eleventh day: We return to Granada about three p.m

Here you have some pictures about the places we are going to visit:

Wednesday, February 3, 2016


The city owes much of its unique economy to its position along the main communication route between Italy and Northern Europe and to the Adige river which prior to its diversion in the mid-19th century ran through the center of the city.
The Adige river was formerly a navigable river and one of the main commercial routes in the Alps. The original course of the river is now covered by the Via Torre Vanga, Via Torre Verde and the Via Alessandro Manzoni.

The share of services (financial intermediation and real estate, public administration, community services and activities of households) in total gross value added is higher than the Italian average.

- Tourism is vital and mostly related to the exploitation of natural amenities, sky resorts, etc.
- The share of agriculture is also higher than average, while the importance of industry is lower than in the rest of Italy. It´s concentrating on valleys.

It exists 862 exploitation dedicated to the ecological agriculture.

The principal activity it´s concentrating in the flats areas and take precendence the smallholdings.
- The most important manufacturing sectors include textiles, materials for construction, mechanics, food processing, paper and wood making.