Wednesday, February 3, 2016


The city owes much of its unique economy to its position along the main communication route between Italy and Northern Europe and to the Adige river which prior to its diversion in the mid-19th century ran through the center of the city.
The Adige river was formerly a navigable river and one of the main commercial routes in the Alps. The original course of the river is now covered by the Via Torre Vanga, Via Torre Verde and the Via Alessandro Manzoni.

The share of services (financial intermediation and real estate, public administration, community services and activities of households) in total gross value added is higher than the Italian average.

- Tourism is vital and mostly related to the exploitation of natural amenities, sky resorts, etc.
- The share of agriculture is also higher than average, while the importance of industry is lower than in the rest of Italy. It´s concentrating on valleys.

It exists 862 exploitation dedicated to the ecological agriculture.

The principal activity it´s concentrating in the flats areas and take precendence the smallholdings.
- The most important manufacturing sectors include textiles, materials for construction, mechanics, food processing, paper and wood making.

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